Webb Brothers
Webb Brothers Float Service, located in Reliance, TN is the oldest outfitter on the Hiwassee River. They offer inflatable rafts, kayak and tubing rentals, and shuttle services. Whether a novice or experienced paddler, young or old, the 5-mile float down the Hiwassee River is a perfect way to spend a sunny summer afternoon. The Hiwassee River winds through the spectacular gorges of the Cherokee National Forest and the pastoral setting of the Reliance Historic District. Based on the International Scale of River Difficulty, the Hiwassee is primarily a Class II river, with certain sections considered to be Class III.
Fees apply to all activities.
Hours and Cost
Hours of operation vary based on time of year and water release schedule.
Cost: Varies based on activity
Pet Friendly
Webb Brothers
3708 TN-30
Reliance, TN 37369
(423) 338-2373